Wednesday, August 29, 2018

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Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Peningkatan pada Kebijakan Privasi dan Kontrol Privasi

Updating Our Privacy Policy
Bulan ini, kami memperbarui Kebijakan Privasi untuk memudahkan Anda memahami apa saja informasi yang kami kumpulkan beserta alasannya. Kami juga mengambil langkah-langkah untuk meningkatkan Pemeriksaan Privasi dan kontrol lain yang kami sediakan untuk mengamankan data dan melindungi privasi Anda.
Tidak ada yang berubah pada setelan saat ini atau cara pemrosesan informasi Anda. Kami hanya mengubah cara kami mendeskripsikan praktik kami dan cara kami menejelaskan opsi yang Anda miliki untuk memperbarui, mengelola, mengekspor, dan menghapus data.
Kami membuat pembaruan ini karena diterapkannya peraturan perlindungan data yang baru di Uni Eropa, dan menggunakan peluang ini untuk melakukan peningkatan kualitas bagi pengguna Google di seluruh dunia.
Kebijakan Privasi dibuat lebih mudah dipahami
Struktur lebih sederhana & bahasa lebih jelas
Kami memperbaiki navigasi dan susunan kebijakan untuk mempermudah Anda dalam menemukan hal yang dicari. Kami juga menjelaskan praktik kami secara lebih detail dan dengan bahasa yang lebih jelas.
Video & ilustrasi deskriptif baru
Sering kali penjelasan visual lebih mudah dipahami daripada teks saja, jadi kami telah menambahkan video dan ilustrasi singkat di seluruh kebijakan.
Kontrol privasi tersemat
Kami telah mempermudah proses untuk langsung membuka setelan utama dari kebijakan, sehingga membantu Anda dalam membuat pilihan terkait privasi.
Revisi kebijakan tersedia di sini dan akan berlaku pada tanggal 25 Mei 2018.
Meningkatkan kontrol privasi Anda
Dalam setahun terakhir, kami telah memperbarui Aktivitas Saya agar Anda dapat mengakses dan mengelola data di Akun Google dengan lebih baik. Kami juga telah meluncurkan Dasbor yang didesain ulang, sehingga Anda dapat melihat ringkasan produk yang sedang digunakan serta data yang terkait dengan lebih baik.
Bulan ini, kami telah memperbarui Pemeriksaan Privasi dengan ilustrasi dan contoh baru untuk membantu Anda mengambil keputusan yang lebih baik tentang kontrol privasi utama. Dan karena kami memahami bahwa preferensi Anda mungkin berubah seiring waktu, Pemeriksaan Privasi yang baru memungkinkan Anda mendaftar ke pengingat rutin untuk memeriksa setelan privasi.
Untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut hal ini dan kontrol lainnya untuk mengelola privasi, kunjungi Akun Google Anda.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Beating, skinning and boiling cats alive

Thousands of cats are being slaughtered in the cruelest ways imaginable. We must help save these innocent souls!

Family cats are being brutalized and murdered at cat meat markets in Vietnam. We must put an end to this!
Sign Now


As we speak, thousands of cats are being slaughtered in Vietnamese cat meat markets. But they're not just being killed — they're being mercilessly tortured. These poor cats are being beaten, hanged, skinned, blow-torched and boiled alive.

Care2 member Artem was heartbroken and outraged over these revelations. Sign the petition demanding that the Vietnamese government ban this animal abuse now!

A recent video taken in Ho Chi Minh City showcases the full extent of this cruelty. Some animals in the footage are even wearing collars, meaning they could have been someone's beloved pet before they were snatched.

Unfortunately, cat meat is an ingredient in many soups and supposed health tonics in Vietnam. Many people in the cat meat industry are also under the misconception that pain and suffering will tenderize the cats' flesh and improve the quality of the meat. Regardless of what people eat, no animal should endure this kind of pure brutality.

Please help save countless little animals who need your voice in order to avoid the cruelest fate possible. Please sign Artem's petition and make sure the Vietnamese government hears our pleas.

Thank you,

  Miranda B.
The Care2 Petitions Team

P.S. As a cat mom myself, I can't imagine the pain that pet parents whose beloved animals have been stolen are going through. I do know that we have to do whatever it takes to save more furry babies from a terrible fate. Will you sign the petition?


Monday, January 1, 2018

Freezing and left outside in a blizzard

A man left his cow outside in the freezing cold.

Demand Justice for Cow Left Outside in Blizzard!
Sign Now


A few weeks ago, residents of Torbay, Newfoundland in Canada witnessed a heartbreaking sight. In the middle of a blizzard, they saw a cow standing outside alone. He was tied to a short rope and covered in snow.

Local authorities say there's nothing they can do about abuses like this. Let's remind them to do their jobs. Sign Amanda's petition now.

The farmer who abandoned this poor cow outside in freezing weather is known for harsh treatment of his animals. This past spring, three horses on his farm were severely neglected. One did not survive the abuse, yet authorities never pursued any charges.

It's time for the public to remind authorities that they must take animal cruelty cases seriously. This farmer needs to be investigated and prevented from owning animals in the future. If he cannot show he's willing to care for the animals already in his charge, he does not deserve to have more.

Will you speak up for this mistreated animal? Join me in signing the petition now.

Thank you for all that you do,

  Miranda B.
The Care2 Petitions Team