Thursday, November 10, 2011

[Slashdot] Stories for 2011-11-10

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Slashdot Daily Newsletter

In this issue:
* Ask Slashdot: Unity/Gnome 3/Win8/iOS — Do We Really Hate All New GUIs?
* End Bonuses For Bankers
* Adobe Ends Development of Flash On Mobile Browsers
* How Do I Get Back a Passion For Programming?
* Obama To Veto Anti-Net-Neutrality Legislation
* Microsoft Killing Silverlight?
* Comcast Begins Native IPv6 Deployment To End Users
* Asus Unveils Quad-Core Transformer Prime Tablet
* US Military Trying To Weed Out Counterfeit Parts
* Gadget Allows You to Keep Bees In Your Apartment
* <em>Modern Warfare 3</em> Released
* Film Studios Seeking Complete Block of Newzbin2 in the UK
* Polaroid: This Time It's Digital
* A Cognitive Teardown of Angry Birds
* B&amp;N Sought DoJ Inquiry Over Microsoft Patents
* Ballistic Clipboard Holds Papers, Stops Bullets
* Faster Algorithm for Sphere Packing Discovered
* Biofuel Thieves Steal Restaurant Grease
* ICANN Begins "Land Rush" For<nobr> <wbr></nobr>.XXX Web Domains
* IT's Next Hot Job: Hadoop Guru
* NASA Creates Super-Black Carbon Nanotube Coating
* Stop Online Piracy Act Supports Blacklisting, Says EFF
* Phobos-Grunt Launches To Retrieve a Sample of Phobos
* HP Delays WebOS Decision
* One-Molecule Nanocar Takes a Test Drive
* FBI Takes Out $14M DNS Malware Operation
* Mapping a World of Human Activity
* Tying Molecules In Knots

| Ask Slashdot: Unity/Gnome 3/Win8/iOS &mdash; Do We Really Hate All New GUIs?
| from the stop-moving-my-buttons dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Tuesday November 08, @20:10 (GNOME)
| with 953 comments

[0]Brad1138 writes "You see complaints about the 'next gen' GUI's [1]all
[2]over the [3]place, but do we really all hate them? Personally, I don't
like them ��� I tried very hard to like Unity in Ubuntu 11.04/11.10 before
giving up and switching to Mint (I am very happy there currently). But is
it the vocal minority doing all the complaining, or is it the majority?
Are we just too set in our ways?"

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| End Bonuses For Bankers
| from the end-of-the-gravy dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Wednesday November 09, @14:43 (Math)
| with 416 comments

theodp writes "NYU risk engineering prof [0]Nassim Nicholas Taleb has a
suggestion that won't sit too well with the banksters. In his NY Times
op-ed, Taleb writes: 'I have a solution for the problem of bankers who
take risks that threaten the general public: [1]Eliminate bonuses.' The
problem with the bonus system, Taleb explains, is that it provides an
incentive to take risks: 'The asymmetric nature of the bonus (an
incentive for success without a corresponding disincentive for failure)
causes hidden risks to accumulate in the financial system and become a
catalyst for disaster. This violates the fundamental rules of capitalism;
Adam Smith himself was wary of the effect of limiting liability, a
bedrock principle of the modern corporation.'"

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| Adobe Ends Development of Flash On Mobile Browsers
| from the gnash-developers-weep-over-wasted-time dept.
| posted by Unknown Lamer on Wednesday November 09, @11:00 (Businesses)
| with 415 comments

larry bagina writes "Jason Perlow of ZDNet is reporting that [0]Adobe
will stop developing Flash for mobile browsers and [1]focus on AIR and
HTML5 tools. I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if [2]750 voices
screamed out in terror and were laid off. But that noise was overshadowed
by everybody else celebrating."

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| How Do I Get Back a Passion For Programming?
| from the you've-lost-that-loving-feeling dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Wednesday November 09, @16:09 (Businesses)
| with 357 comments

bigsexyjoe writes "I am a somewhat experienced software developer who is
pretty much an office drone. I used to enjoy writing code. I even enjoyed
writing routine code before it became routine. But now I just come in day
in and day out. I work for manipulative jerks. I don't care about the
product I create. I don't enjoy coding anymore. I'm not great at
interviewing. I don't have an impressive resume. I stick in more advanced
stuff into my code when I can, but that is always on the sly. So my
question is how do I get back the enjoyment I used to have writing code?"

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| Obama To Veto Anti-Net-Neutrality Legislation
| from the you-can't-not-stop-that dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Wednesday November 09, @08:10 (Censorship)
| with 343 comments

An anonymous reader writes "In a statement of policy on Tuesday, the
White House announced that President Obama will [0]veto upcoming
legislation that would undermine the FCC's net neutrality rules.
According to [1]the statement (PDF), the rules 'reflected a constructive
effort to build a consensus around what safeguards and protections were
reasonable and necessary to ensure that the Internet continues to attract
investment and to spur innovation.' The statement continued, 'It would be
ill-advised to threaten the very foundations of innovation in the
Internet economy and the democratic spirit that has made the Internet a
force for social progress around the world.'"

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| Microsoft Killing Silverlight?
| from the so-long-farewell-Auf-wiedersehen-goodbye dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Wednesday November 09, @15:27 (Microsoft)
| with 270 comments

SharkLaser writes "Silverlight 5 might be last version released by
Microsoft. Several industry insiders and partners for the last few weeks
have heard from their own Microsoft sources that [0]there won't be new
versions released after Silverlight 5. Status on service packs and
support for Silverlight is unclear, as Microsoft haven't yet released
lifecycle support end date even for the previous Silverlight 4. By their
support page they will give full year head-up before ending support. With
[1]Adobe ending development of Flash for mobile browsers and Microsoft
ending development of Silverlight, HTML5 video looks a lot more
promising. But will content providers be able to give out their material
without DRM and how does HTML5 perform with non-video side of Flash and

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| Comcast Begins Native IPv6 Deployment To End Users
| from the 18-quintillion-addresses dept.
| posted by Unknown Lamer on Wednesday November 09, @12:33 (The Internet)
| with 261 comments

First time accepted submitter Daaelarius writes "Comcast [0]has begun
deployment of Native IPv6 access to end users. The deployment is starting
out small with a single market, but is expected to expand rapidly. They
have provided ... more [1]in depth technical details." Finally; native
dual-stack IPv6 for home customers. Perhaps we can avoid a
post-exhaustion future of NAT-upon-NAT and use restrictions.

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| Asus Unveils Quad-Core Transformer Prime Tablet
| from the shiny-gadgets-are-shiny dept.
| posted by Unknown Lamer on Wednesday November 09, @11:48 (Displays)
| with 257 comments

[0]MojoKid writes with an article in Hot Hardware about the fancy new
Asus tablet/laptop hybrid. Quoting thearticle: "Asus and nVidia have
collectively taken the wraps off the next-generation version of Asus's
well-received Transformer tablet line. The new system [1]aims to carve
out a slice of the premium tablet market that Apple's iPad has dominated
for so long. On paper and in pictures, the Prime impresses. The
Transformer Prime incorporates NVIDIA's new [2]Kal-El (Tegra 3) processor
and is one of NVIDIA Tegra 3's upper-end launch systems. The new
ARM-based CPU contains a fifth '[3]companion core' to reduce and manage
idle power consumption and contains 12 GPU cores, up from the eight GPUs
in Tegra 2. NVIDIA claims that Tegra 3's GPU is up to 3x faster than
Tegra 2, thanks to additional architectural enhancements. Asus is also
rolling out a new LCD they're calling 'Super IPS+.' The display's normal
brightness tops out at ~500 nits, but the Prime offers an alternate Super
IPS mode that pushes display brightness up to 600 nits for use in bright
outdoor environments."

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| US Military Trying To Weed Out Counterfeit Parts
| from the they-should-form-an-anti-counterfeiting-trade-agreement dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Tuesday November 08, @22:11 (The Military)
| with 250 comments

An anonymous reader sends this excerpt from an AP report: "'Sprinkling'
sounds like a fairly harmless practice, but in the hands of sophisticated
counterfeiters it could deceive a major weapons manufacturer and possibly
endanger the lives of U.S. troops. It's a process of mixing authentic
electronic parts with fake ones in hopes that the counterfeits will not
be detected when companies test the components for multimillion-dollar
missile systems, helicopters and aircraft. It was just one of the brazen
steps described Tuesday at a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing
examining the national security and economic implications of suspect
counterfeit electronics ��� mostly from China ��� inundating the Pentagon's
supply chain. ... The committee's ongoing investigation [0]found about
1,800 cases of suspect counterfeit electronics being sold to the Pentagon.
The total number of parts in these cases topped 1 million. By the
semiconductor industry's estimates, counterfeiting costs $7.5 billion a
year in lost revenue and about 11,000 U.S. jobs."

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| Gadget Allows You to Keep Bees In Your Apartment
| from the what-could-possibly-go-wrong? dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Wednesday November 09, @09:55 (Idle)
| with 235 comments

greenrainbow writes "Philips just unveiled a new concept for [0]an urban
beehive that would allow anyone to become an amateur bee keeper ��� even
those who live in apartments with no backyards. Best of all you pull a
little string and all the fresh honey you want comes out. Hopefully no
bees come with it!"

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| <em>Modern Warfare 3</em> Released
| from the now-with-gunnier-guns dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Wednesday November 09, @03:32 (First Person Shooters (Games))
| with 194 comments

Activision released the latest iteration of their blockbuster
first-person shooter franchise yesterday, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3,
narrowly avoiding a whole year-long gap between this one and the last
Call of Duty game. Still, analysts estimated pre-orders at 9 million
worldwide, and expect the game to generate another billion dollars in
sales, give or take. Reviews for the game range from "amazing" to
"slightly less than amazing." Eurogamer sums it up simply: "[0]Modern
Warfare 3 is exactly the game you expect. It's conservative in every
sense of the word, a paean to military superiority which never ventures
far beyond gameplay parameters that were set in stone in 2007. ... With
such a well-rehearsed recipe to follow, there's more room here for
innovation than there is for improvement. There are plenty who would love
to see Call of Duty dragged through the mud for its lack of new ideas,
but the game itself is too confidently constructed, too generous with its
pleasures, to deserve any lasting vitriol. This is a ferocious and
satisfying game that knows exactly what players expect, and delivers on
that promise with bullish confidence."

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| Film Studios Seeking Complete Block of Newzbin2 in the UK
| from the tunisia-land-of-the-free dept.
| posted by Unknown Lamer on Wednesday November 09, @08:51 (Censorship)
| with 173 comments

[0]superglaze writes "Having got BT, one of the biggest ISPs in the UK,
to [1]block the Newzbin2 Usenet site, the Motion Picture Association is
now trying to get the same result from all the other major service
providers in the country. As this is likely to go through, it won't be
long before [2]most people in the UK will be unable to visit file-sharing
sites at all, without using a proxy, VPN, or special client."

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| Polaroid: This Time It's Digital
| from the who-doesn't-enjoy-voluminous-gadgets dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Tuesday November 08, @19:29 (Printer)
| with 166 comments

[0]MrSeb writes "Long before Facebook and Twitpic, photos were shared by
simply handing someone a print. No camera made this easier than the
once-ubiquitous Polaroid. Nothing represented instant gratification
better in the film era than having a print develop before your eyes,
ready to hand out in a minute. Unfortunately for Polaroid, the advent of
digital photography sounded the death knell for its iconic instant print
cameras. A brief reprieve in the form of inexpensive sticker-printing
versions was ended by the cellphone camera revolution. Now, after a
decade in remission, Polaroid has returned with [1]a full-up digital
camera that incorporates instant printing technology. The Polaroid Z340
is a 14MP digital with an integrated Zink-enabled (Zero Ink) printer. In
a nostalgic touch, the new camera prints 3��4-inch images, the same size
as the original Polaroid film cameras. Remarkably, all this fits in a
one-pound, seven-ounce package, about the same weight as a mid-range

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| A Cognitive Teardown of Angry Birds
| from the i-really-hate-birds dept.
| posted by Unknown Lamer on Wednesday November 09, @13:15 (Games)
| with 165 comments

[0]Hugh Pickens writes "The 50 million individuals who have downloaded
'Angry Birds' play roughly 200 million minutes of the game a day, which
translates into 1.2 billion hours a year, more than ten times the 100
million hours spent creating Wikipedia over the entire life span of the
online encyclopedia. Why is this seemly simple game so massively
compelling? Charles L. Mauro [1]performs a cognitive teardown of the user
experience of Angry Birds and concludes that the game is engaging, in
fact addictive, due to the carefully scripted expansion of the user's
mental model of the strategy component and incremental increases in
problem/solution methodology. The birds are packed with clever behaviors
that expand the user's mental model at just the point when game-level
complexity is increased ... For example, why are tiny bananas suddenly
strewn about in some play sequences and not in others? Why do the houses
containing pigs shake ever so slightly at the beginning of each game play
sequence? Why is the game's play space showing a cross section of
underground rocks and dirt? One can spend a lot of time processing these
little clues, consciously or subconsciously. 'Creating truly engaging
software experiences is far more complex than one might assume, even in
the simplest of computer games,' writes Mauro. 'You go Birds! [2]Your
success certainly makes others Angry and envious.'"

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| B&amp;N Sought DoJ Inquiry Over Microsoft Patents
| from the sanity-check-in-aisle-four dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Wednesday November 09, @05:14 (Microsoft)
| with 160 comments

Meshach writes "There's an interesting story at the WSJ about how Barnes
& Noble lobbied the Justice Department to [0]open a new antitrust probe
against Microsoft regarding their abuse of the patent system. B&N saw
Microsoft filing a slew of frivolous patents in order to stop the
development of handheld devices, potentially affecting their Nook reader.
The article mentions how Microsoft has a similar racket going with
various Android device manufacturers, but B&N does not have the cash
reserves to support similar licensing, and is fighting back." Reader
[1]qantr points out related news: Chinese telecoms firm Huawei has
confirmed that Microsoft is [2]demanding royalty payments over products
running Android.

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| Ballistic Clipboard Holds Papers, Stops Bullets
| from the extreme-office-products dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Wednesday November 09, @13:58 (Crime)
| with 146 comments

Zothecula writes "Although police officers in most countries are issued
bulletproof vests, they don't necessarily wear them at all times ��� would
you want to heave one of those things around for an entire shift? What
they do often carry, however, are clipboards. Taking the "every little
bit helps" approach, Ohio's IMPACT Armor Technologies has put two and two
together, and come up with something that should actually offer some
protection ��� a [0]Ballistic Clipboard."

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| Faster Algorithm for Sphere Packing Discovered
| from the one-thousand-clown-bearings dept.
| posted by Unknown Lamer on Wednesday November 09, @09:33 (Math)
| with 128 comments

sciencehabit writes with an article in Science about a new way to pack
spheres into a cylinder. From the article: "One day, physicist Ho-Kei
Chan of Trinity College Dublin was playing with steel ball bearings,
trying to pack them into a little cylindrical tube in the most efficient
way possible. It's a tricky problem that can take even a powerful
computer a week to calculate. But after thinking about it for a while,
Chan has [0]figured out a way to simplify the math. The advance could
[1]help engineers pack all sorts of spheres more efficiently, from
nano-sized buckyballs to Christmas tree ornaments. Another potential
application is liquid crystal displays such as those used in televisions
and computer monitors. If scientists could make liquid crystal molecules
obey these rules, they could potentially create a whole new class of
liquid crystals." One caveat is that the diameter of the cylinder can be
at most 2.7013 times as large as the diameter of the spheres being

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| Biofuel Thieves Steal Restaurant Grease
| from the going-green-red-handed dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Wednesday November 09, @17:58 (Crime)
| with 100 comments

TMB writes "In a move that The Simpson's foretold, thieves have begun
[0]stealing inedible kitchen grease for use in biofuels. From the
article: 'It's known as inedible kitchen grease, or IKG, which was once
deemed waste and used in animal feed, though now is "an elixir in the
booming green economy," according to the California Department of Food
and Agriculture. "The grease���s value as a biofuel is being increasingly
recognized," the agency said last month. "IKG is now coveted, which makes
it a target for theft.."

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| ICANN Begins "Land Rush" For<nobr> <wbr></nobr>.XXX Web Domains
| from the campbells-soup-xxx dept.
| posted by Unknown Lamer on Wednesday November 09, @10:15 (The Internet)
| with 91 comments

Velcroman1 writes "The World Wide Web red-light district is poised to
explode. After more than a decade of debate, rejections and legal
challenges, the Internet's governing body [0]began accepting applications
for .xxx websites from the adult entertainment industry on Tuesday, Nov.
8 ��� otherwise called the 'begin printing money phase.' The so-called
'landrush' phase signifies [1]the true launch of .xxx websites, following
the Sept. 5 date when ICM Registry began accepting .xxx [2]applications
from trademarked companies ��� those looking to use a .xxx address and
those seeking to prevent their company from appearing on a .xxx website."

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| IT's Next Hot Job: Hadoop Guru
| from the specialize-or-adapt dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Wednesday November 09, @16:28 (Databases)
| with 85 comments

[0]gManZboy writes "JPMorgan Chase and other companies at this year's
Hadoop World conference came [1]begging for job applicants: They say they
can't find enough IT pros with certain skills, including Hadoop
MapReduce. That spells high pay. As for Hadoop's staying power as a
career path (a la SQL 30 years ago,) IBM, Microsoft and Oracle have all
embraced Hadoop this year. Maybe the best news of all: 'Intelligent
technologists will pick up Hadoop very quickly.'"

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| NASA Creates Super-Black Carbon Nanotube Coating
| from the none-more-black dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Wednesday November 09, @18:39 (Space)
| with 72 comments

An anonymous reader writes "NASA has just revealed a new, [0]super-black
material, claiming it is the most light absorbent material ever
developed, and capable of absorbing 99% of ultraviolet, infrared,
far-infrared, and visible light. The super-black material is about 10,000
times thinner than a human hair and created using carbon nanotubes. Those
nanotubes are positioned and grown on multiple other materials including
silicon, stainless steel, and titanium. The process of applying the
coating requires heating the surface up to 1,382 degrees in an oven
filled with a 'carbon-coating feedstock gas.' As well as being up to 100x
more absorbent than anything that has come before, the coating is
significantly lighter than the black paint and epoxy commonly used today
to absorb light. Because the light absorption level is so high, the
super-black material will also keep temperatures down for the instruments
it is used on. And that very high absorption rate brings one final big
advantage: it allows measurements to be taken at much greater distances
in space because it removes the light emitted from around planets and
stars as well as any generally high-contrast area of space."

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| Stop Online Piracy Act Supports Blacklisting, Says EFF
| from the by-any-other-name dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Wednesday November 09, @00:15 (Government)
| with 71 comments

[0]hessian writes with this quote from the Electronic Frontier Foundation
about the Stop Online Piracy Act: "Of course the word 'blacklist' does
not appear in the bill's text ��� the folks who wrote it know Americans
don't approve of blatant censorship. The early versions of PROTECT-IP,
the Senate's counterpart to SOPA, did include an explicit Blacklist
Provision, but this transparent attempt at extrajudicial censorship was
so offensive that the Senate had to re-write that part of the bill.
However, provisions that encourage unofficial blacklisting remained, and
[1]they are still alive and well in SOPA. First, the new law would allow
the Attorney General to cut off sites from the Internet, essentially
'blacklisting' companies from doing business on the web. Under section
102, the Attorney General can seek a court order that would force search
engines, DNS providers, servers, payment processors, and advertisers to
stop doing business with allegedly infringing websites. Second, the bill
encourages private corporations to create a literal target list���a process
that is ripe for abuse."

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| Phobos-Grunt Launches To Retrieve a Sample of Phobos
| from the go-get-'em dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Wednesday November 09, @02:08 (Space)
| with 61 comments

An anonymous reader writes with news that [0]Russia's Phobos-Grunt
spacecraft has launched, taking the first step on its mission to
[1]travel to Phobos, the larger of Mars' two moons. When (and if ��� see
below) it lands on Phobos, [2]the probe will [3]collect a soil sample and
attempt to return it to Earth. "Russia���s Federal Space Agency said the
craft separated successfully from the booster about 11 minutes later. ...
The return vehicle is expected to carry up to 200 grams (7 ounces) of
soil from Phobos back to Earth in August 2014. The $170 million endeavor
would be Russia���s first interplanetary mission since Soviet times. A
previous 1996 robotic mission to Mars ended in failure when the probe
crashed in the Pacific following an engine failure." Unfortunately,
[4]there appears to have been a problem with the launch. Details are
uncertain at this point, but the probe reportedly made it to orbit
intact, and the mission is not necessarily ruined.

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| HP Delays WebOS Decision
| from the on-second-thought dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Wednesday November 09, @16:54 (HP)
| with 53 comments

[0]itwbennett writes "Following Tuesday's report that HP is looking to
[1]sell WebOS, CEO Meg Whitman and HP employees [2]gathered for a
late-afternoon meeting. According to The Verge, Whitman told those
gathered at the meeting 'It's really important to me to make the right
decision, not the fast decision,' adding that a decision would come in
the next three to four weeks."

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| One-Molecule Nanocar Takes a Test Drive
| from the take-a-spin-around-the-pin dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Wednesday November 09, @17:16 (Science)
| with 38 comments

[0]MrSeb writes "Just a couple of months after nanoengineers at Tufts
University developed an [1]18-atom single-molecule electric motor,
researchers from the University of Twente in the Netherlands have gone
one better: [2]They've made a car using just a single molecule. To create
the vehicle, Tibor Kudernac and colleagues crafted a molecule with a long
body and four 'paddle' (wheel) features attached at each corner. The
molecule was created with a bottom-up process, where each part of the
molecule is gently slotted together. By applying tiny amounts of
electricity with a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) to the finished
vehicle, the wheels are forced to make a quarter turn. The wheels
naturally take another quarter turn to restore equilibrium ��� and then the
STM starts the process all over again. The end result is very slow
forward movement ��� six nanometers per 10 electric pulses."

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| FBI Takes Out $14M DNS Malware Operation
| from the take-em-down dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Wednesday November 09, @17:38 (Networking)
| with 32 comments

[0]coondoggie writes "U.S. law enforcement today said it had smashed what
it called a massive, sophisticated Internet fraud scheme that injected
malware in more than four million computers in over 100 countries while
generating $14 million in illegitimate income. Of the [1]computers
infected with malware, at least 500,000 were in the United States,
including computers belonging to U.S. government agencies, such as NASA."

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| Mapping a World of Human Activity
| from the these-are-the-people-in-your-neighborhood dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Wednesday November 09, @18:20 (Earth)
| with 22 comments

misterbarnacles writes "A Cartography of the Anthropocene [0]maps the
various ways that global humanity connects and is interdependent. From
the article: 'Using data gathered from US government agencies,
anthropologist Felix Pharand-Deschenes has created a collection of maps
that illustrate the various circulatory systems that connect humanity:
cities, roads, railways, power lines, pipelines, cable Internet,
airlines, and shipping lanes. The maps are remarkable cartographic
documents of our current age, but also serve deeper research and
educational purposes.'"

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| Tying Molecules In Knots
| from the nimble-fingers dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Wednesday November 09, @15:46 (Science)
| with 12 comments

Med-trump writes "Scientists report that they have made a non-DNA
molecular knot. [0]They created a 160-atom-loop with five crossing
points, a molecular pentafoil knot. The researchers used a technique
known as 'self-assembly' to prepare the knot in a chemical reaction.
Apparently 85% of the elasticity of natural rubber is due to knot-like
entanglements in the rubber molecules chains."

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